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A photo of the landscape of Paris. The Eiffel Tower is in the distance and a French flag is waving in the foreground.

Story of a City’s 200th Article!

We’re taking a break from our tour of the arrondissements, because today is a very special day. Back in September of 2018, I launched Story of a City with the ambitious goal of publishing a story about Paris once a week. And honestly, I didn’t know if this goal would last the month, let alone the end of the year. But somehow it did, and four and a half years later, I’m thrilled to be celebrating my 200th article. Yes! 200! And to celebrate this milestone, I’m digging through my archives to highlight some of my favourite stories over the years. Whether you’re brand new to Story of a City or a longtime reader, I hope you will enjoy this trip down memory lane.

Highlights of 200 Stories

Let Me Tell You the Story of a City – My very first post and the one that started this journey. I can’t believe that 200 stories later, I still haven’t run out of things to write about.

10 Tips To Survive Public Transportation in Paris – My first advice post for visiting Paris, and I still stand by each one of these tips.

How Not To Make An Appointment in France – This is still my go to story when I try to explain to people how difficult it is to navigate French bureaucracy.

The Joy of Travelling, or How I Ended Up Lugging a Suitcase Over the Japanese Alps – My first travel diary story, and probably still my favourite. The title pretty much speaks for itself.

My Notre Dame de Paris – A deeply personal post written the morning after Notre Dame burned. This story led to offers to speak on CNN, CBS News, and the CBC.

La Maupin – The Extraordinary Life of Julie D’Aubigny – The incredible story of one of my favourite women in French history. In all of history, actually.

I am an Immigrant to France: A 5 Year Celebration – A joyful celebration of my first five years in France.

The Luxembourg Palace – How to Have a Heart Attack in the French Senate – The story of how I thought I was about to be arrested in the French Senate.

The One Year Anniversary of Lockdown – An Ode to Parisian Apartments – A reflection on the many quirks of Paris apartments after a year stuck inside them.

Arts and Culture in Paris – An Appreciation Post – I wax poetic about museums a lot on this site, but this one is my favourite.

200 Stories Later

The stories above are just a handful of my favourites from the past several years. But there’s so many more to revisit, from my Find Me series to annual reviews to little known sites in Paris. Whether you’ve read every story I’ve ever posted or this is your first one, thank you for coming along on this journey with me. Here’s to the next 200!

Laura Moore is a professional storyteller who loves history and the many stories that make Paris one of the most fascinating cities in the world. Join one of her signature tours to learn the story of a city.


A close up photo of a plate of food. It is a full fish with lots of garnishes.

I Was Wrong About Food Tours

Controversial opinion: I don’t like food. Wait, WAIT!! Before everyone grabs their pitchforks, let me explain. If good food is placed in front of me,